Meet PillowWare™
The Casing
That's Reinvented
What Any Pillow Can Do
Experience your best pillow comfort ever!
Experience the World's First Pillow Casing to Customize Height & Comfort of ANY Pillow in Real-Time Anywhere
Globally patented adjusting feature gives you immediate control of ANY filled pillow in real-time.
Offers all clinically recommended customization features vital for deeper sleep and spinal health in one Luxe Casing
Guaranteed cozy mind-blowing comfort, ever! Everywhere!
There's nothing else like it!
Our previous self-care inventions have won 7 global awards, sold to over 4.5 Million satisfied customers and featured on:

Step 1: Outfit your Pillow

Step 2: Pre-adjust and get in bed
Lift > Adjust > Plop Down > Sleep Deep
Sleep-Inducing Customized Pillow Comfort in 3 EASY Steps
Watch our quick walkthrough of PillowWare 's unique features and benefits and follow its creator using a Luxe Satin PillowWare to seamlessly fully adjust a lousy Hotel pillow in under 1 minute .

Seamless Comfort Customization in Real-Time
PillowWare's multi-patented real-time micro-adjusting feature takes the guesswork out of customizing ANY filled pillow to you.
Have full control over your pillow height & comfort and maintain neutrally aligned sleeping posture all night
"It's so easy and seamless you can do it in the dark".
SleepPower™ Zipper Technology is our simple, yet triple patented spiral zipper system with trade secreted inbuilt designs. This means that no other sleep product or pillow technology today, can fully customize your pillow to your body structure, mattress firmness and preferred sleeping positions. Even create the perfect pillow with your own DIY preferred fillings. All specialist recommended features in one luxe casing, combined to achieve perfect comfort and posture alignment for maximum spinal rejuvenation as you sleep.
The Science
Watch & Listen to Inventor Preston Demonstrate the Height-Controlling Power of PillowWare's Patented
Spiral Zipper Technology

Inspired by the Nexus
Sleep Science & Spinal Rejuvenation Bio-mechanics

Disappointing Pillows? Never Again
Most pillows disappoint after the honeymoon phase:
PillowWare is the fix.
It's spiral adjusting structure holds your pillow filling in place at whatever height and volume you set
So your sleep is never interrupted by a flattening pillow
How Your Pillow Fits You Is How Your Sleep Fits You !
100% money back guarantee : Test out PillowWare and experience unrivaled pillow comfort that fits YOU!
Design Thinking Inspired by Sleep Science & Spinal Biomechanics
Pillow Micro-adjustability is Vital for Restorative Sleep and Ultimate Comfort:
Neutral sleep posture is vital for reducing stress and torsions on the body to ease pain and correct posture during sleep.
Science confirms that even 1 cm shift in pillow height results in dramatic changes to your sleep posture, alignment and comfort.
Experience Mind-Blowing Pillow Comfort!

Within One Luxe Casing
Take Cozy Customized Pillow Comfort
Everywhere you Roam
PillowWare™ is offered in 3 luxury fabrics including healthy soothing Mulberry Silk.
PillowWare™ is Offered in 3 Luxury Health Cooling fabrics
Soothing 19 Momme Mulberry Silk
Sleek Satin
Cozy Peach-feel

SleepPower™ Zipper Technology
"No More Guess Work!"
No More Mess!
Control Your Pillow Height
Quickly in Real-time
..to Command your Sleep

Sleep Faster Deeper For Longer
PillowWare's real-time feature means faster results
So you sleep longer and wake refreshed, free from neck pain and stiffness.
Works for adjusting to ALL combinations of sleeping positions
Early Edition Marine Conservation and Migration Animals Prototypes Used Here by Test Pilots

Side Sleeper
Experience your comfiest sleep in your preferred position.
Back Sleeper
Find your exact sweet spot
Stomach Sleeper
Immediately feel restlessness, tension, neck & back pains ease away as you drift away
Learn about the colliding, mixing and merging of vision, mission and purpose that resulted in our dynamic start-up team and exciting new self-care inventions and service.
Expanding Access
The Problem:
The World Health Organisation (WHO) have ranked back pain, including neck pain, as the #1 global preventable health burden, costing sufferers high out-of-pocket and health-care spending and over-burdening universal health systems. Sleep disorders and disturbed sleep linked to back/neck pain and other underlying conditions are spiraling upwards, out of control, affecting more than 70M Americans today.
Our Mission: Making sleep health and back self care more seamless, affordable and accessible to everyone
Our Purpose: To design remarkable self-care solutions built on our collective track record of excellence in innovation & wellness outcomes delivered through best-practice strategic partnerships with our customers and our exemplary service delivery partners
Our Vision: We envisage a world where back and neck pain, and sleep problems from these conditions are prevented or tackled early enough to heal seamlessly and effectively. Our impact? Self-care inventions and customer welfare services work seamlessly for users over the long-term, enhance their quality of life, reduce their pain, and out of pocket spending on sleep and back pain related health care. These are just some of the results that underpin our definition of success.
Our Values:
We value the wellness experiences and personal fulfillment of each of our self-care committed customers. We view each customer as a partner to Team SleepPower. Our mission-driven impact-focused company is committed to exceptional customer welfare, environmental kindness and continuous quality management and adhering to our principles of integrity. We're founded on lessons learned, and decades of combined expertise of our co-founders and seasoned trade partners.
Read more about our journey and how we got here!
Read our Welcome letter here
PillowWare Helps Save Our Environment & Save Money Too
The more pillows we buy, the more we discard. The result is 100s of millions of non biodegradable toxic pillows end up as pollutants in our oceans and landfills, annually.
With each not-so-perfect pillow that you outfit with PillowWare, you upcyle and keep them out of our oceans and landfills to reduce pillow pollution.
PillowWare costs less than ANY adjustable pillow and delivers GREATER sleep BENEFITS. So help us save our environment and spend wisely with PillowWare!

Early Bird Rewards for first Day Backers While Stocks Last!